Meet the Founder,

After 3 years of being sick, reading 10 hours a day in scientific studies, trying everything to get healthy again. He learned a lot about the connection of Health, Fitness & Nutrition with the right Lifestyle. In his pursuit for optimal health he became very passionate in sharing his findings with others.
As an experience expert he became great at adressing health signals and fix them. It’s just a puzzle that has to be solved. Lifestyle has a very profound impact on health. He became passionate in fixing problems, most problems have an origin that can be solved or approached in different ways. He is now able to help others with their puzzle, and now hundreds of people worldwide are improving their life through his lifestyle and diet principles.
Today, Ferran is committed to provide as many people as possible with an upgrade of their lives through his products and formulated optimal lifestyle.
Ferran van den Bos
My Story
I have been sick for 3 years, seen 50 of the best doctors and specialists in whole Europe. They thought I had auto- immune diseases, multiple virusses or any type of organ malfunction, my body was literally giving up on me. I almost didn’t survive.
My gut was so destroyed that I wasn’t able to absorb any nutrients from the foods I consumed. At a point I had lost 36kg (80lbs) I developed all kinds of allergies and nutritional deficiencies.
For 3 years I was reading 10 hours a day of scientific studies and researched everything related to health. It has been a long journey, trying everything to get healthy. I learned a lot about health and the connection with nutrition and lifestyle. Finally I could connect the dots. The human body is one and not separated by the organs like the medical system does approach it. Everything is connected. Mind and Body.
Being sick impacted my life in an indescribably positive way. I am very grateful for this second chance in life. I feel reborn, enlightened and can happily say I am healed now. As an experience expert in health issues I am comitted to help as many people to improve their lives through healthy lifestyle changes.
Let’s upgrade our Lives! 🔥
Ferran van den Bos